Bulk SMS Company in Gujarat
Staticking is an aggregator for providing Bulk SMS in Gujarat . By giving affordable pricing and quality Bulk SMS Service in Gujarat , it has earned deals with many companies, be it Airlines, couriers, Real estate, Educational Sectors, Travel companies etc. Bulk SMS Services is being used in several regions through the SMS Gateway which features Promotional and Transactional SMS with Sender ID to DND and NON-DND registered customers. Promotional Bulk SMS Benefits You can also schedule your SMS messages so that you can plan ahead for when you want them to be sent out. There is a 9 AM to 9 PM time limit for Promotional SMS messages and they are all 160 characters worth of SMS Credit. Listed DNDs will not be charged nor credited - but rest assured that the numbers contained in the message will reach their hands with alacrity. Immediate Delivery for multiple operators! You can check on whether your message was received by its recipient or not with the status checker. Transactional SMS Bene...